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Our Distinguished
Regionals Judges: 

Tracey Mallinson, BC

Denise Reid-Clarke, AB

Darren Plummer, SK

Seanna O'Neill, AB



I’m very pleased to a judge for the 2022 Alberta NWT Regionals. I took my first agility class in 1996, and I’m still hooked.Agility is an incredible sport that involves all ages and levels of dogs and humans. I have competed in a range of jump heights from 4” - 22”. I currently own poodles (because vacuuming cuts into training time lol).

I became a judge in 2010. I like to create challenges with speed and flow.I have taken design classes with top European judges. I have experience designing courses suitable for big dogs, fast dogs, tiny dogs, slow dogs, able handlers, senior handlers, and handlers with mobility aids. Ive judged multiple AAC National and Regional events.

Looking forward to watching you and your dogs.

I am excited to be chosen to be part of the judging team at the 2022 AAC AB/NWT Regionals!

I have had cats all my life and didn’t get a dog until 1999. I took an intro to agility class in 2000 and have been obsessed ever since.

I have competed with 3 agility dogs: Shadow and Mist both were Shetland Sheepdogs. My current competing dog, Wicked, is a 19” Border Collie and is the one that has influenced my course designs the most. My baby dog, Nimbus is a Shetland Sheepdog and he is just starting his training.

I started judging in 2016, I really enjoy learning how to improve my judging and course designs. This will be my second time judging at the AB/NWT Regional Championship. 

I am looking forward to seeing everyone in June!

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